Philosophy Of The College Of Nursing

  • We the faculty of College of Nursing, ‘Believe education is an integral part of development of individual personality. The paramedical education provided in the form of theory and practical in the respective field could accomplish desired goals for providing total health care for both the ill and well.
  • We believe that education in the manner in which scientific principles and its application should become an integral part of curriculum.
  • We advocate that this institution while imparting education to the beneficiaries should be beyond the clutches of Religion, Caste, Creed, Economic status and other barriers which are retrograde factors to the progress of society.
  • We aspire that the students of this institution should have development in three major aspects, knowledge, Attitude and Practice in the profession, which they have chosen as a career.


  • Graduates are prepared as capable of teaching and supervising in appropriate nursing and health care settings and participate in the administration of nursing service and education.
  • Promotes teaching and learning process in the class room as well as in the clinical area through appropriate supervision and ongoing evaluation based on well defined criteria.
  • Provide educational programmes through which the graduates will be prepared to assume responsibility in the primary, secondary and territory care of the people as professional nurses.
  • Practice ethical values in personal and professional life though continuous guidance and counseling service whenever necessary.
  • “Single drop of water makes a mighty Ocean” is the saying. With the blessing of our almighty we are marching forward and hope to attain the full strength coming.