We have associated with the following associations.
Trained Nurses Association
Registered Nurses are the members of this association. Our faculty members of both School & College of Nursing are the members of this association. They are actively participating in Journal presentations which are conducted by this association.
Student Nurses Association
SNA is providing an opportunity for personal, intellectual professional and social growth of student nurses. Our activity in SNA is incorporated into health information and services that are provided to the campus and community. We are conducting health fair, career day, activities for incoming freshman, a recognition ceremony for seniors etc,It also acts as liaison between our faculty members and students. Our SNA consisted of the president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, fund raising chair person and committee chairs.
Youth Red Cross
We have youth red cross unit associated with Indian Red Cross society, Tamilnadu, to give our students the opportunity to develop their life skills, service mentality and sense of social commitment.